not support the ongoing demolitions of structures built on riparian land
in Nairobi.
Waititu suggested that the government should place the burden of
diverting the river on the investor instead of demolishing the entire
Mambo ingine mimi naona pale, kama iyo watu wanasupport ubomoaji,
mimi hapana support. Mambo iangaliwe, kama nyumba yako imekaribiana
na mto, wewe uambiwe ni gharama yako kuhakikisha hiyo mto imesonga
Which loosely translates to: (Something I am seeing with people
supporting demolitions that I don't support. This should be looked into
and if your house is next to the river you should be told to cater for the
cost of diverting the river to ensure it moves a bit),” Waititu stated.
A meme shared online
Here is a compilation of the 10 funniest comments under the
#BabaYaoChallenge :
1. "Don't demolish Taj Mall, move the outer ring road." Think like
Ferdinand Waititu.
2. The weekend is too short... Move it to weekdays #babaYaoChallenge
3. Instead of impeaching Waititu from his governorship position move
Kiambu county to Somali
4. Dr David Ndii also joined in the fun adding his own twist to the
2 + 2 = 5 I don’t support failing children in mathematics. Change the
marking scheme
5. Wenger out, Gunners still losing. Waititu: Let's change the fans.
Some of the comments
6. Instead of moving people out of the Mau, let people move the water
towers away from their homes at cost. #BabaYaochallenge
7. I don't support the existence of the SGR... Mombasa should just be
moved to Githunguri #BabaYaoChallenge
8. Those complaining of traffic jam on Kîambu road should move the jam
to another county, at their own cost.
9. We have a Kshs.5 Trilion debt... I don't support that our economy is
dying just print more money #babayaochallenge
9."I strongly support Babayo on this we should move the rivers,
mountains, lakes, forest and even Kenya tuipeleke India ikasome huko
A section of Kenyans advocated for Nairobi to adopt the construction of
canals to collect and move floodwater away from populated areas.